Airports in and near Valle d'Aosta, Italy

Explore all airports in and around Valle d'Aosta. Discover what is the closest airport to Valle d'Aosta, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Valle d'Aosta, there are 5 international airports, 5 domestic airports, and 2 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Valle d'Aosta, Italy

List of Airports in Valle d'Aosta

Airports near Valle d'Aosta - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

70km from Torino

Aeroporto di Torino in Italy is the ideal destination for those who want to explore the beauty of the country....

Italy - Torino
142km from Gallarate

Aeroporto di Milano-Malpensa, located in Italy, is one of the busiest airports in the world. With an impressive array of...

Italy - Gallarate
128km from Genève

Welcome to the Aéroport international de Genève, the international gateway to Switzerland! Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps,...

Switzerland - Genève
144km from Chambéry

Aéroport Chambéry Savoie is an international airport located in the Savoie region of France. Boasting a whopping 1.2 million passengers...

France - Chambéry
130km from Fossano

Welcome to Aeroporto di Cuneo-Levaldigi, one of Italy's most beloved airports! Nestled in the rolling hills of Cuneo, the airport...

Italy - Fossano
41km from Sion

Welcome to the Aéroport de Sion, one of the most unique airports in Switzerland. Located in the lush Valais region,...

Switzerland - Sion
122km from Annecy

Aéroport Annecy Haute-Savoie Mont Blanc is a small airport located in France. It is also known as Aéroport d'Annecy -...

France - Annecy
161km from Muzzano

Aeroporto di Lugano-Agno is an airport located in Switzerland, a beautiful country known for its majestic mountains and pristine landscapes....

Switzerland - Muzzano
111km from Bern

Flughafen Bern-Belp, located in Switzerland, is the perfect choice for travelers looking for a convenient and comfortable experience. Easily accessible...

Switzerland - Bern

FAQ about Airports in Valle d'Aosta

How many international airports are in Valle d'Aosta?

There are no international airports located in Valle d'Aosta, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 5 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Valle d'Aosta?

The closest airport to Valle d'Aosta is Turin Airport.

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