Airports in and near Cataluña, Spain

Explore all airports in and around Cataluña. Discover what is the closest airport to Cataluña, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Cataluña, there are 6 international airports, 5 domestic airports, and 31 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Cataluña, Spain

List of Airports in Cataluña

Airports near Cataluña - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

107km from n.a. (106)

Aeroport de Girona - Costa Brava is an airport situated in the beautiful region of Girona in Spain. With its...

Spain - n.a. (106)
277km from Plana Alta

The Aeroport de Castelló-Costa Azahar is an airport located in Castellón, Spain, providing convenient access to the Mediterranean coast. The...

Spain - Plana Alta
293km from Utebo

Aeropuerto de Zaragoza, located in Spain, is the perfect airport for travelers looking for an efficient and stress-free experience. This...

Spain - Utebo
113km from Perpignan

Welcome to Aéroport de Perpignan - Rivesaltes in France! Located in the Pyrénées-Orientales department near the Mediterranean Sea, this airport...

France - Perpignan
98km from Carcassonne

The Aéroport de Carcassonne-Salvaza in France is a bustling international hub bustling with travellers from all corners of the globe....

France - Carcassonne
128km from Castres

Aéroport de Castres-Mazamet is a public airport located in Castres, France. It serves the nearby towns of Castres and Mazamet...

France - Castres
182km from Agde

Located in the Languedoc region of France, Aéroport de Béziers - Cap d'Agde is a modern airport with a long...

France - Agde

FAQ about Airports in Cataluña

How many international airports are in Cataluña?

There are no international airports located in Cataluña, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 3 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Cataluña?

The closest airport to Cataluña is Girona-Costa Brava Airport.

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Castilla-La Mancha(35 airports)
Castilla y León(39 airports)
Cataluña(45 airports)
Comunidad de Madrid(17 airports)
Extremadura(13 airports)
Galicia(21 airports)
Islas Baleares(15 airports)
La Rioja(13 airports)
Región de Murcia(17 airports)
País Vasco(11 airports)

Explore Airports in Cataluña

Barcelona(21 airports)
Girona(23 airports)
Lleida(16 airports)
Tarragona(14 airports)