Airports in and near Oulu, Finland

Explore all airports in and around Oulu. Discover what is the closest airport to Oulu, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Oulu, there are 3 international airports, 5 domestic airports, and 7 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Oulu, Finland

List of Airports in Oulu

Airports near Oulu - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

186km from Luleå

Luleå Airport is a major airport located in Sweden. It is a bustling hub of activity, with flights coming and...

Sweden - Luleå
252km from Vaasa

Vaasan lentoasema, located in Finland, is the perfect destination for travelers looking for an efficient and hassle-free experience. With two...

Finland - Vaasa
354km from Umeå

Umeå Airport is one of Sweden’s busiest and most important airports, located in the city of Umeå in the North...

Sweden - Umeå
144km from Kemi

Kemi-Tornio Airport, also known as KEM, is one of the busiest airports in Finland. Located in the city of Kemi,...

Finland - Kemi
438km from North Savonia

Kuopion lentoasema, located in Finland, is one of the most well-known airports in the country. It has a rich history,...

Finland - North Savonia
286km from Rovaniemi

Rovaniemen lentoasema is the largest airport in Finland and the third busiest airport in the country. Located just outside of...

Finland - Rovaniemi

FAQ about Airports in Oulu

How many international airports are in Oulu?

There are no international airports located in Oulu, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 3 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Oulu?

The closest airport to Oulu is Luleå Airport.

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