Airports in and near Zacatecas, Mexico

Explore all airports in and around Zacatecas. Discover what is the closest airport to Zacatecas, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Zacatecas, there are 5 international airports, 3 domestic airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around Zacatecas, Mexico

List of Airports in Zacatecas

Airports near Zacatecas - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

49km from Aguascalientes

Welcome to Aeropuerto Intl. Lic. Jesús Terán Peredo, Mexico's premier international airport! Located in the heart of the country, this...

Mexico - Aguascalientes
110km from Soledad de Graciano Sánchez

Ponciano Arriaga International Airport in Mexico is a bustling hub of travel and entertainment. Located just outside the city of...

Mexico - Soledad de Graciano Sánchez
123km from Silao

Del Bajío International Airport in Mexico is a well-known destination for travelers from all over the world. Located right at...

Mexico - Silao
322km from Durango

Aeropuerto Intl. General Guadalupe Victoria is a bustling international airport in Mexico. Located in the heart of the country, this...

Mexico - Durango
193km from Celaya

Aeropuerto Nacional Capitán Rogelio Castillo is one of Mexico's busiest airports, handling over 3 million passengers annually. Situated in the...

Mexico - Celaya
322km from Cuauhtémoc

Aeropuerto Nacional Licenciado Miguel de la Madrid is a vital hub of air travel in Mexico. Located in Morelia, Michoacán,...

Mexico - Cuauhtémoc
402km from Nuevo León

Welcome to Aeropuerto AFL Parque Industrial Mitras, the international airport located in Brazil. Here you can find the latest in...

Mexico - Nuevo León

FAQ about Airports in Zacatecas

How many international airports are in Zacatecas?

There are no international airports located in Zacatecas, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 4 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Zacatecas?

The closest airport to Zacatecas is Lic. Jesús Terán Peredo International Airport.

Explore Airports around Mexico

Baja California Sur(12 airports)
Campeche(17 airports)
Coahuila(19 airports)
Aguascalientes(6 airports)
Baja California(40 airports)
Chiapas(17 airports)
Chihuahua(13 airports)
Colima(7 airports)
Distrito Federal(6 airports)
Durango(8 airports)
Morelos(10 airports)
Guanajuato(8 airports)
Guerrero(16 airports)
Hidalgo(10 airports)
Jalisco(14 airports)
México(14 airports)
Michoacán(13 airports)
Nuevo León(11 airports)
Oaxaca(12 airports)
Puebla(10 airports)
Nayarit(7 airports)
Querétaro(9 airports)
Quintana Roo(23 airports)
San Luis Potosí(12 airports)
Sinaloa(39 airports)
Sonora(43 airports)
Tabasco(8 airports)
Tamaulipas(30 airports)
Tlaxcala(8 airports)
Veracruz(19 airports)
Yucatán(9 airports)
Zacatecas(9 airports)

Explore Airports in Zacatecas

Fresnillo(3 airports)
Sombrerete(2 airports)
Valparaíso(4 airports)
Juan Aldama(3 airports)
Villanueva(2 airports)
Tepechitlán(4 airports)