Airports in and near Chernihiv, Ukraine

Explore all airports in and around Chernihiv. Discover what is the closest airport to Chernihiv, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Chernihiv, there are 5 international airports, 2 domestic airports, and 43 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Chernihiv, Ukraine

List of Airports in Chernihiv

Airports near Chernihiv - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

134km from Boryspil

The Міжнародний аеропорт «Бориспіль» in Ukraine is a major hub for international travel. Located in the country's capital of Kiev,...

Ukraine - Boryspil
174km from Kyiv

The Міжнародний аеропорт «Київ» (Жуляни) імені Ігоря Сікорського in Ukraine is a modern, high-tech international airport hub. With its advanced...

Ukraine - Kyiv
195km from Irpin

The Antonov International Airport, formerly known as CLOSED, is an aviation hub of international significance. It is located conveniently close...

Ukraine - Irpin
142km from Cherkasy

The Ukranian city of Cherkasy is home to the Міжнародний аеропорт "Черкаси" (Cherkasy International Airport). Established in 1959, this airport...

Ukraine - Cherkasy
258km from Rozsoshentsi

The International Airport “Poltava” in Ukraine is an important hub of transportation between the east and west. It serves as...

Ukraine - Rozsoshentsi
204km from Homyel’

Gomel Airport, located in Belarus, is an important hub for air travel and commerce in the region. Built in 1929,...

Belarus - Homyel’
441km from Orël

Oryel-Yuzhnyy Airport is located in the Russian city of Oryel and is a major transportation hub for the region. This...

Russian Federation - Orël

FAQ about Airports in Chernihiv

How many international airports are in Chernihiv?

There are no international airports located in Chernihiv, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 5 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Chernihiv?

The closest airport to Chernihiv is Boryspil International Airport.

Explore Airports around Ukraine

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Donets'k(34 airports)
Ivano-Frankivs'k(14 airports)
Kharkiv(31 airports)
Kherson(29 airports)
Khmel'nyts'kyy(27 airports)
Kiev(42 airports)
Kirovohrad(33 airports)
L'viv(13 airports)
Luhans'k(9 airports)
Mykolayiv(24 airports)
Odessa(24 airports)
Poltava(43 airports)
Rivne(16 airports)
Sevastopol'(4 airports)
Sumy(21 airports)
Ternopil'(13 airports)
Vinnytsya(25 airports)
Volyn(32 airports)
Zakarpattia(7 airports)
Zaporizhia(37 airports)
Zhytomyr(22 airports)
Kyiv(6 airports)

Explore Airports in Chernihiv

Nizhyn(5 airports)
Pryluky(6 airports)
Slavutych(5 airports)
Bakhmach(4 airports)
Nosivka(6 airports)
Novhorod-Siverskyi(2 airports)
Koriukivka(4 airports)
Horodnia(4 airports)
Mena(5 airports)
Snovsk(4 airports)
Bobrovytsia(6 airports)
Ichnia(5 airports)
Oster(6 airports)
Borzna(5 airports)
Semenivka(3 airports)
Kozelets(6 airports)
Ripky(5 airports)
Sosnytsia(4 airports)
Korop(3 airports)