Airports in and near Nanaimo, Canada

Explore all airports in and around Nanaimo. Discover what is the closest airport to Nanaimo, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Nanaimo, there are 5 international airports, 5 domestic airports, and 1 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Nanaimo, Canada

List of Airports in Nanaimo

Airports near Nanaimo - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

56km from Vancouver

Vancouver International Airport (YVR) is one of Canada's major international airports, serving the Vancouver area and beyond. Located in the...

Canada - Vancouver
53km from North Saanich

Victoria International Airport is the busiest airport in Canada and is located in British Columbia's capital city of Victoria. The...

Canada - North Saanich
99km from Port Angeles

William R. Fairchild International Airport is a major air hub located in Washington State, United States. Boasting a wide range...

United States - Port Angeles
123km from Bellingham

Bellingham International Airport is one of the largest airports in the United States. Located in Bellingham, Washington, the airport is...

United States - Bellingham
137km from Abbotsford

Abbotsford International Airport is a bustling hub in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Located just east of Vancouver, it...

Canada - Abbotsford
108km from Powell River

Powell River Airport, located in Powell River, British Columbia, Canada, is a cozy yet efficient air travel hub. It's a...

Canada - Powell River
72km from Delta

Boundary Bay Airport is a public airport in Canada located between the cities of Vancouver and Abbotsford. With an elevation...

Canada - Delta
205km from Alberni-Clayoquot C

Tofino-Long Beach Airport in Canada is a bustling hub of activity, offering travelers an easy and convenient way to get...

Canada - Alberni-Clayoquot C
178km from Campbell River

Welcome to Campbell River Airport, a popular destination for travelers in Canada's stunning British Columbia. Located on Vancouver Island, the...

Canada - Campbell River

FAQ about Airports in Nanaimo

How many international airports are in Nanaimo?

There are no international airports located in Nanaimo, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 5 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Nanaimo?

The closest airport to Nanaimo is Vancouver International Airport.

Explore Airports around Canada

Central Coast(12 airports)
Alberni-Clayoquot(13 airports)
Kootenay Boundary(12 airports)
Mount Waddington(8 airports)
Bulkley-Nechako(12 airports)
Capital(11 airports)
Cariboo(22 airports)
Central Kootenay(14 airports)
Central Okanagan(8 airports)
Columbia-Shuswap(12 airports)
Comox-Strathcona(15 airports)
Cowichan Valley(12 airports)
East Kootenay(13 airports)
Fraser-Fort George(10 airports)
Fraser Valley(14 airports)
Greater Vancouver(18 airports)
Kitimat-Stikine(13 airports)
Nanaimo(12 airports)
North Okanagan(10 airports)
Northern Rockies(7 airports)
Peace River(11 airports)
Powell River(11 airports)
Squamish-Lillooet(10 airports)
Stikine(11 airports)
Sunshine Coast(12 airports)
Thompson-Nicola(20 airports)

Explore Airports in Nanaimo

Nanaimo A(11 airports)
Nanaimo B(10 airports)
Nanaimo C(10 airports)
Nanaimo D(10 airports)
Nanaimo E(10 airports)
Nanaimo F(10 airports)
Nanaimo G(11 airports)
Nanaimo H(10 airports)
Nanaimo River 2(10 airports)
Nanaimo River 3(10 airports)
Nanaimo River 4(10 airports)
Nanaimo Town 1(10 airports)
Nanoose(10 airports)
Parksville(10 airports)
Qualicum(10 airports)
Qualicum Beach(10 airports)