Airports in and near Valencia, Spain

Explore all airports in and around Valencia. Discover what is the closest airport to Valencia, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Valencia, there are 5 international airports, 3 domestic airports, and 3 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Valencia, Spain

List of Airports in Valencia

Airports near Valencia - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

173km from Plana Alta

The Aeroport de Castelló-Costa Azahar is an airport located in Castellón, Spain, providing convenient access to the Mediterranean coast. The...

Spain - Plana Alta
111km from Vinalopo

Welcome to Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport, one of Spain's most vibrant and exciting airports. Located in the heart of the...

Spain - Vinalopo
134km from Huera de Murcia

Aeropuerto Internacional de la Región de Murcia (RMIA) is one of the most well-known airports in Spain. Located in the...

Spain - Huera de Murcia
143km from San Javier

Aeropuerto de Murcia - San Javier is an international airport located in the Murcia region of Spain. It is the...

Spain - San Javier
61km from Albacete

The Aeropuerto de Albacete in Spain is an exciting gateway to an amazing country. Located in the province of Albacete,...

Spain - Albacete
128km from n.a. (251)

Plataforma Aeroportuaria - Teruel, located in Spain, is a modern and convenient airport. With up-to-date facilities, a range of services,...

Spain - n.a. (251)
255km from Alcalá de Henares

Base Aérea de Torrejón is a Spanish airport located in the Community of Madrid. It is operated by the Spanish...

Spain - Alcalá de Henares

FAQ about Airports in Valencia

How many international airports are in Valencia?

There are no international airports located in Valencia, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 4 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Valencia?

The closest airport to Valencia is Castellón-Costa Azahar Airport.

Explore Airports around Spain

Castellón(11 airports)
Alicante(11 airports)
Valencia(12 airports)

Explore Airports in Valencia

Benidorm(6 airports)
Peñíscola(7 airports)
Rincón de Ademuz(8 airports)
Camp de Morvedre(7 airports)
Camp de Túria(7 airports)
Canal de Navarres(7 airports)
Ribera Alta(7 airports)
Ciutat de Valencia(8 airports)
Costera(7 airports)
Foia de Bunyol(7 airports)
Horta Nord(7 airports)
Horta Oest(7 airports)
Horta Sud(7 airports)
Requena-Utiel(9 airports)
Ribera Baixa(7 airports)
Serranos(9 airports)
Vall d'Albaida(8 airports)
Vall de Confrents(7 airports)