Airports in and near Fusa, Norway

Explore all airports in and around Fusa. Discover what is the closest airport to Fusa, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Fusa, there are 3 international airports, 4 domestic airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around Fusa, Norway

List of Airports in Fusa

Airports near Fusa - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

122km from Bergen

Bergen lufthavn, Flesland is an international airport located in the beautiful city of Bergen, Norway. It is the second-busiest airport...

Norway - Bergen
141km from Karmøy

Haugesund Lufthavn, Karmøy, is located in the Rogaland county of Norway and serves as a gateway to the region. This...

Norway - Karmøy
143km from Sandnes

Stavanger lufthavn, Sola is Norway's fourth-largest airport and one of the country's major transportation hubs, serving over 5 million passengers...

Norway - Sandnes
111km from Stord

Stord lufthamn is an airport situated in Norway, providing a gateway to the rest of the world. The airport has...

Norway - Stord
206km from Florø

Florø Lufthamn is a small airport located in Florø, Norway. Located right on the coast of the majestic Sogn og...

Norway - Florø
284km from Notodden

Notodden flyplass is a regional airport located in the municipality of Notodden in Norway. With a modern arrivals lounge, a...

Norway - Notodden
303km from Nord-Aurdal

Fagernes Lufthavn, Leirin is a small but beautiful regional airport located in Norway. It's known for its incredible views of...

Norway - Nord-Aurdal

FAQ about Airports in Fusa

How many international airports are in Fusa?

There are no international airports located in Fusa, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 3 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Fusa?

The closest airport to Fusa is Bergen Airport, Flesland.

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