Airports in and near Linköping, Sweden

Explore all airports in and around Linköping. Discover what is the closest airport to Linköping, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Linköping, there are 4 international airports, 5 domestic airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around Linköping, Sweden

List of Airports in Linköping

Airports near Linköping - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

103km from Nyköping

Stockholm-Skavsta flygplats, located in Nyköping, Sweden, is the perfect gateway for travelers into the country. With its modern, sleek design...

Sweden - Nyköping
213km from Stockholm

Stockholm-Bromma flygplats is Sweden's busiest inner-city airport, located just 10 kilometers from Stockholm's city centre. It's a hub for domestic...

Sweden - Stockholm
221km from Sigtuna

Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, located in Sweden, is one of the busiest airports in the Nordic region. Serving as a hub for...

Sweden - Sigtuna
378km from Härryda

Göteborg Landvetter Airport is one of Sweden's busiest airports, located 11 miles east of the city of Gothenburg. Spanning over...

Sweden - Härryda
44km from Norrköping

Norrköping Flygplats is one of Sweden's premier airports, located in the city of Norrköping. With its wide array of high-end...

Sweden - Norrköping
93km from Örebro

Örebro Airport is a small, yet important, transportation hub located in the heart of Sweden. Located in the city of...

Sweden - Örebro
210km from Jönköping

Jönköping flygplats is Sweden's premier airport destination, located in the municipality of Jönköping. The airport features two runways, two terminals,...

Sweden - Jönköping
107km from Västerås

Stockholm-Västerås Flygplats is the largest airport in Sweden and is known for its easy accessibility, modern facilities and friendly staff....

Sweden - Västerås

FAQ about Airports in Linköping

How many international airports are in Linköping?

There are no international airports located in Linköping, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 4 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Linköping?

The closest airport to Linköping is Stockholm-Skavsta Airport.

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