Airports in and near Turcoaia, Romania

Explore all airports in and around Turcoaia. Discover what is the closest airport to Turcoaia, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Turcoaia, there are 5 international airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around Turcoaia, Romania

List of Airports in Turcoaia

Airports near Turcoaia - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

64km from Mihail Kogalniceanu

Aeroportul Internațional „Delta Dunării” Tulcea is a premier airport located in Romania. It serves the region with flights to major...

Romania - Mihail Kogalniceanu
81km from Izmail

The International Airport "Izmail" is a bustling hub for international and domestic flights alike. Located in the heart of Ukraine,...

Ukraine - Izmail
82km from Cahul

Aeroportul Internațional Cahul is an important gateway to the beautiful country of Moldova. Located in Cahul, a city that proudly...

Moldova - Cahul
80km from Mihail Kogălniceanu

Aeroportul Internațional „Mihail Kogălniceanu” Constanța is a large airport in Romania and provides a gateway to the vibrant culture and...

Romania - Mihail Kogălniceanu
203km from Otopeni

Aeroportul Internaţional Henri Coandă - Otopeni (OTP) is the main international airport in Romania, located 16km north of the capital...

Romania - Otopeni

FAQ about Airports in Turcoaia

How many international airports are in Turcoaia?

There are no international airports located in Turcoaia, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 5 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Turcoaia?

The closest airport to Turcoaia is Tulcea International Airport.

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