Airports in and near Halle-Vilvoorde, Belgium

Explore all airports in and around Halle-Vilvoorde. Discover what is the closest airport to Halle-Vilvoorde, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Halle-Vilvoorde, there are 5 international airports, 5 domestic airports, and 1 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Halle-Vilvoorde, Belgium

List of Airports in Halle-Vilvoorde

Airports near Halle-Vilvoorde - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

33km from Antwerp

Internationale Luchthaven Antwerpen, or Antwerp International Airport, is located in the province of Antwerp in Belgium. It's a bustling hub,...

Belgium - Antwerp
56km from Charleroi

Brussels South Charleroi Airport, located in Belgium, is often referred to as "The Gateway to Brussels". It's a great connection...

Belgium - Charleroi
119km from Lille

Situated in Northern France, Aéroport International de Lille - Lesquin is an essential gateway in and out of the country....

France - Lille
125km from Eindhoven

Eindhoven Airport, in the Netherlands, is a major international hub and the second-busiest airport in the country. Easily accessed by...

Netherlands - Eindhoven
49km from Bergen op Zoom

Vliegbasis Woensdrecht is an airport located in the Netherlands and is the largest airbase in the country. Situated in the...

Netherlands - Bergen op Zoom
102km from Kortrijk

Kortrijk-Wevelgem Airport, located in Belgium, is a popular destination for travelers. It offers a variety of amenities, including shopping, dining,...

Belgium - Kortrijk
127km from Liège

Aéroport de Liège-Bierset is an international airport located in the Liège province of Belgium. It is a hub for flights...

Belgium - Liège
92km from Gilze en Rijen

Vliegbasis Gilze-Rijen is an airport situated in the Netherlands, known for its unique aviation history. It is home to several...

Netherlands - Gilze en Rijen
161km from Béthune

Aérodrome de Merville-Calonne, located in France, is a vibrant airport that serves both commercial and recreational travellers alike. Whether you're...

France - Béthune

FAQ about Airports in Halle-Vilvoorde

How many international airports are in Halle-Vilvoorde?

There are no international airports located in Halle-Vilvoorde, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 4 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Halle-Vilvoorde?

The closest airport to Halle-Vilvoorde is Antwerp International Airport.

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