Airports in and near Neuhausen/Erzgeb., Germany

Explore all airports in and around Neuhausen/Erzgeb.. Discover what is the closest airport to Neuhausen/Erzgeb., if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Neuhausen/Erzgeb., there are 5 international airports, 5 domestic airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around Neuhausen/Erzgeb., Germany

List of Airports in Neuhausen/Erzgeb.

Airports near Neuhausen/Erzgeb. - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

64km from Dresden

Flughafen Dresden, located in Germany, is one of the most modern airports in Europe. With its convenient layout and easy...

Germany - Dresden
64km from Karlovy Vary

Letiště Karlovy Vary is a small airport in the Czech Republic, located near the city of Karlovy Vary. It's an...

Czech Republic - Karlovy Vary
118km from Praha 6

Letiště Václava Havla Praha, also known as Prague Airport, is the main international airport serving the Czech Republic. Located just...

Czech Republic - Praha 6
124km from Schkeuditz

Located in Schkeuditz, Saxony, Germany, Flughafen Leipzig/Halle Airport is one of the country's busiest airports. Serving over 2.7 million passengers...

Germany - Schkeuditz
257km from Pardubice

Letiště Pardubice is the airport located in the Czech Republic that serves the city of Pardubice and its surrounding area....

Czech Republic - Pardubice
80km from Altenburg

Leipzig-Altenburg Airport is a bustling hub in Thuringia, Germany. It's the perfect jumping-off point for locals and visitors alike who...

Germany - Altenburg
124km from Kralupy nad Vltavou

Vodochody Airport is one of the busiest and most renowned airports in the Czech Republic. Located in the Central Bohemian...

Czech Republic - Kralupy nad Vltavou
99km from Taucha

Flugplatz Taucha “Schwarzer Berg” is an airport located in Taucha, Germany. It is a popular destination for tourists and locals...

Germany - Taucha
115km from Löbnitz

Roitzschjora Airport is a modern facility located in Germany, providing air travel both domestically and internationally. With its close proximity...

Germany - Löbnitz
148km from Hof

Hof-Plauen Airport in Germany is a bustling hub of travel and activity. It is a modern facility, with plenty of...

Germany - Hof

FAQ about Airports in Neuhausen/Erzgeb.

How many international airports are in Neuhausen/Erzgeb.?

There are no international airports located in Neuhausen/Erzgeb., but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 5 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Neuhausen/Erzgeb.?

The closest airport to Neuhausen/Erzgeb. is Dresden Airport.

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