Airports in and near Fossano, Italy

Explore all airports in and around Fossano. Discover what is the closest airport to Fossano, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Fossano, there are 5 international airports, 5 domestic airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around Fossano, Italy

List of Airports in Fossano

Airports near Fossano - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

36km from Torino

Aeroporto di Torino in Italy is the ideal destination for those who want to explore the beauty of the country....

Italy - Torino
108km from Genoa

The Aeroporto Internazionale di Genova - Cristoforo Colombo is an internationally renowned airport located in Italy. It is the only...

Italy - Genoa
145km from Nice

Aéroport de Nice-Côte d'Azur is one of the most beautiful and well-known airports in France. Located in the Mediterranean coast,...

France - Nice
107km from Gallarate

Aeroporto di Milano-Malpensa, located in Italy, is one of the busiest airports in the world. With an impressive array of...

Italy - Gallarate
92km from Villanova d' Albenga

Aeroporto Clemente Panero is a picturesque airport situated in the heart of Italy. Boasting a convenient location and modern facilities,...

Italy - Villanova d' Albenga
168km from Cannes

Welcome to the Aéroport de Cannes-Mandelieu, one of the most beautiful airports in the south of France. Located near the...

France - Cannes
96km from Saint-Christophe

The Aeroporto regionale della Valle d'Aosta Corrado Gex in Italy is a bustling hub of activity located in the picturesque...

Italy - Saint-Christophe
147km from Muzzano

Aeroporto di Lugano-Agno is an airport located in Switzerland, a beautiful country known for its majestic mountains and pristine landscapes....

Switzerland - Muzzano
140km from Sion

Welcome to the Aéroport de Sion, one of the most unique airports in Switzerland. Located in the lush Valais region,...

Switzerland - Sion

FAQ about Airports in Fossano

How many international airports are in Fossano?

There are no international airports located in Fossano, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 4 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Fossano?

The closest airport to Fossano is Turin Airport.

Explore Airports around Italy

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Castelletto Stura(10 airports)
Castelletto Uzzone(10 airports)
Castellinaldo(10 airports)
Castellino Tanaro(9 airports)
Castelmagno(10 airports)
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Cigliè(9 airports)
Cissone(10 airports)
Clavesana(10 airports)
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Cortemilia(10 airports)
Cossano Belbo(10 airports)
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Crissolo(10 airports)
Demonte(10 airports)
Diano d' Alba(10 airports)
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Dronero(10 airports)
Elva(10 airports)
Entracque(10 airports)
Envie(10 airports)
Farigliano(10 airports)
Faule(10 airports)
Feisoglio(10 airports)
Fossano(11 airports)
Frabosa Soprana(9 airports)
Frabosa Sottana(9 airports)
Frassino(10 airports)
Gaiola(9 airports)
Gambasca(10 airports)
Garessio(9 airports)
Genola(10 airports)
Gorzegno(10 airports)
Gottasecca(10 airports)
Govone(10 airports)
Grinzane Cavour(10 airports)
Guarene(10 airports)
Igliano(9 airports)
Isasca(10 airports)
La Morra(10 airports)
Lagnasco(10 airports)
Lequio Berria(10 airports)
Lequio Tanaro(10 airports)
Lesegno(9 airports)
Levice(10 airports)
Limone Piemonte(9 airports)
Lisio(8 airports)
Macra(10 airports)
Magliano Alfieri(10 airports)
Magliano Alpi(10 airports)
Mango(10 airports)
Manta(10 airports)
Marene(10 airports)
Margarita(9 airports)
Marmora(10 airports)
Marsaglia(10 airports)
Martiniana Po(10 airports)
Melle(10 airports)
Moiola(9 airports)
Mombarcaro(9 airports)
Mombasiglio(9 airports)
Monastero Di Vasco(8 airports)
Monchiero(10 airports)
Mondovì(10 airports)
Monesiglio(9 airports)
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Montaldo Roero(10 airports)
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Montelupo Albese(10 airports)
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Monteu Roero(10 airports)
Montezemolo(9 airports)
Monticello d' Alba(10 airports)
Moretta(10 airports)
Morozzo(10 airports)
Murazzano(10 airports)
Murello(10 airports)
Narzole(10 airports)
Neive(10 airports)
Neviglie(10 airports)
Niella Belbo(10 airports)
Niella Tanaro(9 airports)
Novello(10 airports)
Nucetto(9 airports)
Oncino(10 airports)
Ormea(9 airports)
Ostana(10 airports)
Rifreddo(10 airports)
Paesana(10 airports)
Pagno(10 airports)
Pamparato(9 airports)
Paroldo(9 airports)
Perletto(10 airports)
Perlo(9 airports)
Peveragno(9 airports)
Pianfei(10 airports)
Piasco(10 airports)
Pietraporzio(10 airports)
Piobesi d' Alba(10 airports)
Piozzo(10 airports)
Pocapaglia(10 airports)
Polonghera(10 airports)
Pontechianale(10 airports)
Pradleves(10 airports)
Prazzo(10 airports)
Priero(9 airports)
Priocca(10 airports)
Priola(8 airports)
Prunetto(10 airports)
Racconigi(10 airports)
Revello(10 airports)
Rittana(10 airports)
Roaschia(9 airports)
Roascio(9 airports)
Robilante(9 airports)
Roburent(9 airports)
Rocca Cigliè(9 airports)
Rocca De' Baldi(10 airports)
Roccabruna(10 airports)
Roccasparvera(9 airports)
Roccavione(9 airports)
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Roddino(10 airports)
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Sale San Giovanni(9 airports)
Saliceto(10 airports)
Salmour(10 airports)
Saluzzo(10 airports)
Sambuco(10 airports)
Sampeyre(10 airports)
San Benedetto Belbo(10 airports)
San Damiano Macra(10 airports)
Sanfrè(10 airports)
Sanfront(10 airports)
Sant' Albano Stura(10 airports)
Santo Stefano Belbo(10 airports)
Santo Stefano Roero(10 airports)
Savigliano(10 airports)
Scagnello(9 airports)
Scarnafigi(10 airports)
Serralunga d' Alba(10 airports)
Serravalle Langhe(10 airports)
Sinio(10 airports)
Somano(10 airports)
Sommariva Del Bosco(10 airports)
Sommariva Perno(10 airports)
Stroppo(10 airports)
Tarantasca(10 airports)
Torre Bormida(10 airports)
Torre Mondovì(9 airports)
Torre San Giorgio(10 airports)
Torresina(9 airports)
Treiso(10 airports)
Trezzo Tinella(10 airports)
Trinità(10 airports)
Valdieri(10 airports)
Valgrana(10 airports)
Valloriate(10 airports)
Valmala(10 airports)
Venasca(10 airports)
Verduno(10 airports)
Vernante(9 airports)
Verzuolo(10 airports)
Vezza d' Alba(10 airports)
Vicoforte(9 airports)
Vignolo(9 airports)
Villafalletto(10 airports)
Villanova Mondovì(9 airports)
Villanova Solaro(10 airports)
Villar San Costanzo(10 airports)
Vinadio(10 airports)
Viola(8 airports)
Vottignasco(10 airports)