Airports in and near Niedersachsen, Germany

Explore all airports in and around Niedersachsen. Discover what is the closest airport to Niedersachsen, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Niedersachsen, there are 6 international airports, 7 domestic airports, and 86 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Niedersachsen, Germany

List of Airports in Niedersachsen

Airports near Niedersachsen - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

40km from Bremen

Flughafen Bremen is one of the most prestigious airports in Germany. Located in the Bremen region, it offers a wide...

Germany - Bremen
188km from Braunschweig

The Forschungsflughafen Braunschweig-Wolfsburg is a modern airport located in Germany that is full of history. Dating back to the 1920s,...

Germany - Braunschweig
114km from Greven

Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück in Germany is an airport that offers a wide range of services. It has a modern terminal building...

Germany - Greven
105km from Büren

Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport is a joint civil-military airport located in the city of Paderborn, Germany. It is situated on the eastern...

Germany - Büren
143km from Hamburg

Flugplatz Hamburg-Finkenwerder is an airport located in the North of Germany. It's world-renowned for its wide selection of international flights...

Germany - Hamburg
112km from Wurster Nordseeküste

Fliegerhorst Nordholz is a German airport located in the north of Germany. It is well known for its bustling activity,...

Germany - Wurster Nordseeküste
141km from Grebenstein

Flughafen Kassel is the main airport in Germany’s picturesque Hesse region. It’s conveniently located just off the A7 highway and...

Germany - Grebenstein
138km from Wangerooge

The Flugplatz Wangerooge Airport in Germany is an impressive sight. Located on the East Frisian Island of Wangerooge, the airport...

Germany - Wangerooge
185km from Enschede

Vliegveld Twente is a small airport located in Netherlands, which serves the city Enschede.

Netherlands - Enschede

FAQ about Airports in Niedersachsen

How many international airports are in Niedersachsen?

There are no international airports located in Niedersachsen, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 4 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Niedersachsen?

The closest airport to Niedersachsen is Bremen Airport.

Explore Airports around Germany

Bremen(11 airports)
Hamburg(14 airports)
Hessen(69 airports)
Niedersachsen(98 airports)
Nordrhein-Westfalen(93 airports)
Baden-Württemberg(108 airports)
Bayern(128 airports)
Brandenburg(48 airports)
Rheinland-Pfalz(60 airports)
Saarland(16 airports)
Sachsen(33 airports)
Sachsen-Anhalt(38 airports)
Schleswig-Holstein(36 airports)
Thüringen(34 airports)
Berlin(11 airports)

Explore Airports in Niedersachsen

Ammerland(12 airports)
Wittmund(13 airports)
Cuxhaven(13 airports)
Delmenhorst(11 airports)
Aurich(13 airports)
Braunschweig(11 airports)
Celle(17 airports)
Cloppenburg(12 airports)
Diepholz(12 airports)
Emden(10 airports)
Emsland(13 airports)
Friesland(13 airports)
Gifhorn(13 airports)
Goslar(11 airports)
Göttingen(10 airports)
Grafschaft Bentheim(11 airports)
Hameln-Pyrmont(12 airports)
Wesermarsch(11 airports)
Harburg(12 airports)
Heidekreis(13 airports)
Helmstedt(11 airports)
Wilhelmshaven(11 airports)
Hildesheim(12 airports)
Holzminden(12 airports)
Leer(11 airports)
Lüchow-Dannenberg(11 airports)
Wolfenbüttel(13 airports)
Lüneburg(11 airports)
Nienburg (Weser)(11 airports)
Northeim(16 airports)
Oldenburg(11 airports)
Osnabrück(13 airports)
Osterholz(12 airports)
Osterode am Harz(11 airports)
Peine(11 airports)
Wolfsburg(10 airports)
Region Hannover(16 airports)
Rotenburg (Wümme)(15 airports)
Salzgitter(13 airports)
Schaumburg(10 airports)
Stade(10 airports)
Uelzen(11 airports)
Vechta(11 airports)
Verden(11 airports)
Insel Lütje Hörn(9 airports)