Airports in and near Soutelo De Aguiar, Portugal

Explore all airports in and around Soutelo De Aguiar. Discover what is the closest airport to Soutelo De Aguiar, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Soutelo De Aguiar, there are 3 international airports, 4 domestic airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around Soutelo De Aguiar, Portugal

List of Airports in Soutelo De Aguiar

Airports near Soutelo De Aguiar - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

109km from Vila Nova Da Telha

Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro is an international airport located in Porto, Portugal. It's a major gateway to the country and...

Portugal - Vila Nova Da Telha
117km from Vigo

Aeroporto de Vigo, in Spain, is the perfect gateway to Galicia. Located on the coast of a beautiful province, it...

Spain - Vigo
151km from n.a. (145)

Aeroporto de Santiago - Rosalía de Castro, located in Spain, is the country’s largest and busiest airport. It’s a hub...

Spain - n.a. (145)
33km from Folhadela

Aeródromo Municipal de Vila Real, a small airport located in the northern region of Portugal, has everything you need for...

Portugal - Folhadela
90km from Abraveses

Located in the quaint city of Vila Real in Portugal, Aeródromo Municipal Gonçalves Lobato is a unique airport that offers...

Portugal - Abraveses
98km from Baçal

Aeródromo Municipal de Bragança is located in Portugal and is one of the most well-known airports in the country. It...

Portugal - Baçal
224km from n.a. (213)

Aeropuerto de Salamanca, also known as Matacán Airport, is one of the most important and busiest airports in Spain. Located...

Spain - n.a. (213)

FAQ about Airports in Soutelo De Aguiar

How many international airports are in Soutelo De Aguiar?

There are no international airports located in Soutelo De Aguiar, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 3 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Soutelo De Aguiar?

The closest airport to Soutelo De Aguiar is Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport.

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