Airports in and near North Down, United Kingdom

Explore all airports in and around North Down. Discover what is the closest airport to North Down, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near North Down, there are 5 international airports, 5 domestic airports.

Map Of Airports In And Around North Down, United Kingdom

List of Airports in North Down

Airports near North Down - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

61km from Antrim

Belfast International Airport is the largest and busiest airport in Northern Ireland, located a short 20 mile drive from Belfast...

United Kingdom - Antrim
153km from Limavady

The City of Derry Airport, situated in United Kingdom, is a bustling hub of activity, welcoming visitors from all over...

United Kingdom - Limavady
124km from Ayr

Glasgow Prestwick Airport is one of the United Kingdom's most bustling and renowned airports. Located just a stone's throw from...

United Kingdom - Ayr
154km from Dublin

Dublin Airport is a bustling hub of international travel located in the beautiful capital city of Ireland. It is the...

Ireland - Dublin
158km from Paisley

Glasgow Airport is one of the most bustling airports in the United Kingdom. Located just six miles west of the...

United Kingdom - Paisley
60km from Argyll and Bute

Campbeltown Airport, situated in the United Kingdom, is a bustling hub of activity. Flights to and from this charming coastal...

United Kingdom - Argyll and Bute
206km from Fermanagh

Enniskillen Airport, located in Northern Ireland, is a small yet bustling facility. With flights to a variety of destinations, it’s...

United Kingdom - Fermanagh
248km from Dalton in Furness

Walney Island Airfield is a small airfield located in the United Kingdom. It caters to small planes and helicopters, providing...

United Kingdom - Dalton in Furness
271km from Glenties

Aerfort Dhún na nGall is a small but important airport located in Ireland. Serving as a hub for both domestic...

Ireland - Glenties
283km from Carlisle

Carlisle Lake District Airport is located in the scenic United Kingdom and is one of the most popular airports in...

United Kingdom - Carlisle

FAQ about Airports in North Down

How many international airports are in North Down?

There are no international airports located in North Down, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 5 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to North Down?

The closest airport to North Down is Belfast International Airport.

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