How far is Birmingham from Edinburgh?


The driving distance from Birmingham to Edinburgh is 471 kilometers / 293 miles, and it takes on average 5 hours 53 minutes to complete.

Map of the driving route between Birmingham to Edinburgh

How far is Birmingham from Edinburgh?

The driving distance between Birmingham and Edinburgh is 471 kilometers, which is the equivalent of 293 miles.
The air distance from Birmingham to Edinburgh is 395 kilometers / 245 miles.
Birmingham is located in United Kingdom, on the following coordinates: -1.8998, 52.4814.
Edinburgh is located in United Kingdom, on the following coordinates: -3.1965, 55.9521.

How long does it take to drive from Birmingham from Edinburgh?

On average, it would take you 5 hours 53 minutes to drive from Birmingham to Edinburgh. However, the driving time depends on several factors such as: road conditions, traffic, weather and stops.
To help you get a better understanding of the distance and time required to drive from Birmingham to Edinburgh, below we have calculated the driving time, based on different average speeds.

Estimated Driving Time

30 mph (48 km/h)9 hours 49 minutes40 mph (64 km/h)7 hours 21 minutes50 mph (80 km/h)5 hours 53 minutes60 mph (97 km/h)4 hours 51 minutes70 mph (112 km/h)4 hours 12 minutes80 mph (128 km/h)3 hours 40 minutes
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