Belo Horizonte to Ribeirão Preto
Flight Time

Explore how long is the flight time, distance, and route between Belo Horizonte, Brazil and Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Belo Horizonte
Ribeirão Preto

The flight time from Belo Horizonte to Ribeirão Preto is 59 min, and the distance is 424 kilometers / 263 miles

Flying route from Belo Horizonte to Ribeirão Preto on the map

What's the flight time from Belo Horizonte to Ribeirão Preto?

  • The flight duration from Belo Horizonte to Ribeirão Preto is 59 min.
  • The flight time depends on the aircraft cruising speed, weather conditions and wind. To calculate it, we have used the average flight speed of commercial airplanes which is 500 mph, or around 804 km/h.
  • What's the flight distance between Belo Horizonte and Ribeirão Preto?

  • The flight distance between Belo Horizonte and Ribeirão Preto is 263 miles, which is the equivalent of 424 kilometers.
  • In the calculation, we have assumed a straight line ( as the crow flies ), but the distance might differ, especially if you have a stopover.
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Airports guides

Pampulha - Carlos Drummond de Andrade Airport

Pampulha - Carlos Drummond de Andrade Airport
Belo Horizonte
Domestic Airport
UTC -2.0 (Daylight Savings Time)

Doutor Leite Lopes Airport of Ribeirão Preto

Doutor Leite Lopes Airport of Ribeirão Preto
Ribeirão Preto
Domestic Airport
UTC -2.0 (Daylight Savings Time)

Explore more of Belo Horizonte

Explore more of Ribeirão Preto