Airports in and near Antalya, Turkiye

Explore all airports in and around Antalya. Discover what is the closest airport to Antalya, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Antalya, there are 5 international airports, 3 domestic airports, and 2 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Antalya, Turkiye

List of Airports in Antalya

Airports near Antalya - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

249km from Mugla

Dalaman Havalimanı is a modern, bustling airport in Turkey that serves as the perfect gateway to the Mediterranean. Located close...

Turkiye - Mugla
181km from Selçuklu

Konya Havalimanı is an international airport located in the city of Konya, Turkey. At this vast and bustling hub, travelers...

Turkiye - Selçuklu
234km from Paphos

The Larnaka International Airport, also known as Διεθνής Αερολιμένας Πάφου, is the primary airport in Cyprus. It is located 5km...

Cyprus - Paphos
146km from Isparta

Isparta Süleyman Demirel Havalimanı, located in Turkey, combines convenience of big city airports with the charm of rural air travel....

Turkiye - Isparta
190km from Denizli

Denizli Çardak Havaalanı in Turkey is a bustling hub of activity. Located just outside the city of Denizli, the airport...

Turkiye - Denizli
286km from Gazimağusa

Geçitkale Havaalanı is the airport located in the Northern part of Cyprus. It is a small but busy airport, offering...

Cyprus - Gazimağusa

FAQ about Airports in Antalya

How many international airports are in Antalya?

There are no international airports located in Antalya, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 3 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Antalya?

The closest airport to Antalya is Dalaman Airport.

Explore Airports around Turkiye

Bayburt(8 airports)
Osmaniye(10 airports)
Bilecik(9 airports)
Adiyaman(10 airports)
Nevsehir(9 airports)
Rize(8 airports)
Bingöl(11 airports)
Sakarya(9 airports)
Usak(11 airports)
Nigde(7 airports)
Ordu(8 airports)
Bitlis(10 airports)
Bolu(10 airports)
Adana(11 airports)
Afyon(10 airports)
Burdur(7 airports)
Agri(11 airports)
Aksaray(7 airports)
Amasya(9 airports)
Giresun(9 airports)
Ankara(14 airports)
Artvin(9 airports)
Aydin(11 airports)
Batman(11 airports)
Antalya(12 airports)
Ardahan(8 airports)
Balikesir(13 airports)
Bartın(6 airports)
Bursa(12 airports)
Çanakkale(13 airports)
Çankiri(6 airports)
Gümüshane(8 airports)
Çorum(8 airports)
Denizli(11 airports)
Diyarbakir(10 airports)
Düzce(9 airports)
Edirne(12 airports)
Elazığ(10 airports)
Erzincan(9 airports)
Erzurum(11 airports)
Eskisehir(14 airports)
Gaziantep(11 airports)
Hakkari(11 airports)
Hatay(10 airports)
Iğdır(10 airports)
Isparta(9 airports)
Kars(10 airports)
Istanbul(13 airports)
Izmir(17 airports)
K. Maras(11 airports)
Karabük(6 airports)
Karaman(7 airports)
Kastamonu(8 airports)
Kayseri(9 airports)
Kilis(10 airports)
Kinkkale(8 airports)
Kirklareli(10 airports)
Kirsehir(7 airports)
Kocaeli(9 airports)
Mardin(9 airports)
Konya(11 airports)
Kütahya(12 airports)
Malatya(12 airports)
Manisa(11 airports)
Mersin(8 airports)
Mugla(13 airports)
Mus(12 airports)
Samsun(8 airports)
Sanliurfa(11 airports)
Siirt(11 airports)
Sinop(7 airports)
Sirnak(11 airports)
Sivas(11 airports)
Tekirdag(11 airports)
Tokat(10 airports)
Trabzon(6 airports)
Tunceli(8 airports)
Van(12 airports)
Yalova(9 airports)
Yozgat(8 airports)
Zinguldak(7 airports)

Explore Airports in Antalya

Demre(5 airports)
Alanya(3 airports)
Side(5 airports)
Kemer(5 airports)
Serik(5 airports)
Manavgat(6 airports)
Çıralı(5 airports)