Airports in and near Samsun, Turkiye

Explore all airports in and around Samsun. Discover what is the closest airport to Samsun, if you plan a trip in the region. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

In and near Samsun, there are 2 international airports, 5 domestic airports, and 1 small airports of local interest.

Map Of Airports In And Around Samsun, Turkiye

List of Airports in Samsun

Airports near Samsun - (200 km / 124 miles radius)

255km from Ankara

Esenboğa Uluslararası Havalimanı is the main international airport in Turkey. Located in the capital city of Ankara, it’s a hub...

Turkiye - Ankara
107km from Tokat

Tokat Havalimanı is a vibrant airport located in Tokat, Turkey. It provides access to the dynamic city and its many...

Turkiye - Tokat
106km from Tokat

Tokat Havaalanı (Eski) is a small airport located in . It is also known as Tokat Havalimanı.

Turkiye - Tokat
124km from Sinop

Sinop Havaalanı is the main airport in the city of Sinop, Turkey. Situated on the shores of the Black Sea,...

Turkiye - Sinop
264km from Piraziz

Ordu Giresun Havalimanı, located in Turkey, is an exciting gateway to the country and beyond. With its modern facilities and...

Turkiye - Piraziz
172km from Kastamonu

Kastamonu Havalimanı is a family friendly airport located in the city of Kastamonu, Turkey. This bustling hub is a great...

Turkiye - Kastamonu

FAQ about Airports in Samsun

How many international airports are in Samsun?

There are no international airports located in Samsun, but on a 200 km / 124 miles radius, there are 1 international airports in the proximity.

What is the closest airport to Samsun?

The closest airport to Samsun is Esenboğa International Airport.

Explore Airports around Turkiye

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Nevsehir(9 airports)
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Sakarya(9 airports)
Usak(11 airports)
Nigde(7 airports)
Ordu(8 airports)
Bitlis(10 airports)
Bolu(10 airports)
Adana(11 airports)
Afyon(10 airports)
Burdur(7 airports)
Agri(11 airports)
Aksaray(7 airports)
Amasya(9 airports)
Giresun(9 airports)
Ankara(14 airports)
Artvin(9 airports)
Aydin(11 airports)
Batman(11 airports)
Antalya(12 airports)
Ardahan(8 airports)
Balikesir(13 airports)
Bartın(6 airports)
Bursa(12 airports)
Çanakkale(13 airports)
Çankiri(6 airports)
Gümüshane(8 airports)
Çorum(8 airports)
Denizli(11 airports)
Diyarbakir(10 airports)
Düzce(9 airports)
Edirne(12 airports)
Elazığ(10 airports)
Erzincan(9 airports)
Erzurum(11 airports)
Eskisehir(14 airports)
Gaziantep(11 airports)
Hakkari(11 airports)
Hatay(10 airports)
Iğdır(10 airports)
Isparta(9 airports)
Kars(10 airports)
Istanbul(13 airports)
Izmir(17 airports)
K. Maras(11 airports)
Karabük(6 airports)
Karaman(7 airports)
Kastamonu(8 airports)
Kayseri(9 airports)
Kilis(10 airports)
Kinkkale(8 airports)
Kirklareli(10 airports)
Kirsehir(7 airports)
Kocaeli(9 airports)
Mardin(9 airports)
Konya(11 airports)
Kütahya(12 airports)
Malatya(12 airports)
Manisa(11 airports)
Mersin(8 airports)
Mugla(13 airports)
Mus(12 airports)
Samsun(8 airports)
Sanliurfa(11 airports)
Siirt(11 airports)
Sinop(7 airports)
Sirnak(11 airports)
Sivas(11 airports)
Tekirdag(11 airports)
Tokat(10 airports)
Trabzon(6 airports)
Tunceli(8 airports)
Van(12 airports)
Yalova(9 airports)
Yozgat(8 airports)
Zinguldak(7 airports)

Explore Airports in Samsun

Bafra(6 airports)
Aşağıçinik(5 airports)
Ondokuzmayıs(7 airports)
Çarşamba(5 airports)
Tekkeköy(5 airports)
Havza(5 airports)
Alaçam(5 airports)
Ayvacık(5 airports)