Airports in Gambia

Explore all airports from Gambia, including the international, domestic and local ones. From airports with millions of passengers a year to small aerodromes, we have listed all of the on the map and on a list, in this guide.

Gambia has 1 international airports.

Map Of Airports In Gambia

List of Airports in Gambia

FAQ about Airports in Gambia

How many international airports are in or near Gambia?

There are 0 international airports located in Gambia. You can explore all of them on the map on our guide.

Explore Airports around Gambia

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Canarias(11 airports)
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Cabo Verde(9 airports)
Burkina Faso(25 airports)
Burundi(11 airports)
Cameroon(23 airports)
Comoros(4 airports)
Congo(16 airports)
Congo DRC(117 airports)
Chad(36 airports)
Côte d'Ivoire(25 airports)
Djibouti(14 airports)
Ethiopia(39 airports)
Egypt(64 airports)
Eritrea(26 airports)
Eswatini(22 airports)
Mayotte(4 airports)
Gambia(9 airports)
Gabon(28 airports)
Réunion(4 airports)
Ghana(13 airports)
Guinea(19 airports)
Guinea-Bissau(10 airports)
Lesotho(21 airports)
Kenya(102 airports)
Liberia(15 airports)
Libya(70 airports)
Madagascar(22 airports)
Madeira(3 airports)
Malawi(29 airports)
Mali(23 airports)
Mauritania(22 airports)
Mauritius(3 airports)
Rwanda(9 airports)
Saint Helena(1 airports)
Sierra Leone(10 airports)
Niger(16 airports)
Nigeria(51 airports)
South Africa(189 airports)
Senegal(21 airports)
Seychelles(7 airports)
Sudan(37 airports)
Somalia(31 airports)
South Sudan(35 airports)
Togo(11 airports)
Tanzania(71 airports)
Tunisia(25 airports)
Uganda(36 airports)
Zambia(68 airports)
Zimbabwe(50 airports)

Explore Airports in Gambia

Lower River(7 airports)
Maccarthy Island(6 airports)
North Bank(8 airports)
Upper River(4 airports)
Western(7 airports)
Banjul(7 airports)